Doylestown Auto Repair

This bicycle walks like a crab

Audi Repair Shop Doylestown
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The walking bike used Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest leg system and attached it to a bicycle. It took a total of 700 man-hours to create.

Transcript: Walking bike created by Carv, a California-based art and engineering collective. They used Theo Jansen’s Strandbeest leg system and attached it to a bicycle. Working 3 nights a week, for 3 hours a night, it took a total of 700 man-hours and 7 months to create the walking bike. The team slowly processed through layout, material buying, mockups, jigs, cutting, welding, and bolting. The walking bike includes a total of 400 custom made parts. The prototype made its debut at the 2015 Santa Barbara solstice parade. Learn more at

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