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There is going to be a Hot Wheels live action movie

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Mattel and Warner Bros. are partnering up to make A

Hot Wheels

live-action movie,

Variety reports

. This would be the first Hot Wheels live action movie if it eventually comes to fruition.

“We are excited to bring the thrill of a Hot Wheels live-action feature film to the big screen in partnership with Warner Bros. Pictures,” Ynon Kreiz, Mattel’s chairman and CEO, said.

No other details like a release date or actors are available at this point — it appears to be an idea both companies are enthusiastically pursuing, though. And why not? The toy brand has become so famous that

manufacturers make Hot Wheels editions of real cars

, people have made

real-life replicas of the toys


the stunts

, and

they even appear in video games

. We’re especially interested in the development of this film here at


, since many of us can point to Hot Wheels as our first the first deep connection to the car world. And really, whether you raced them around tracks, ran them around on a carpet city map or launched them off ramps, most car enthusiasts probably have


kind of memory with these toy cars.

Exactly how the movie will develop does have us curious. Will Mattel and Warner Bros. go the same route as

The Lego Movie

? And for those that may have missed it, (spoiler alert) everything that happens to the toy characters in

The Lego Movie

are the actions of two real people, which was highly clever and certainly pleased both kid and adult audiences. Such a premise would certainly open up a lot of interesting possibilities, and showing how couches could turn into cliffs and such. Regardless of the direction, if the Hot Wheels movie can pull off a movie that satisfies automotive enthusiasts who grew up (and still love) the toy cars and real cars alike, we’ll be mighty impressed.

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