Doylestown Auto Repair

The BMW i3 Urban Suite is an i3 built to live in, coming to CES

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The BMW i3 has plodded along for about seven years at this point, receiving updates and upgrades every now and then. BMW has EVs in the works, but the i3 is still the only pure electric car on sale at BMW dealerships today. That being the case, BMW has plans to highlight the i3 in a new way at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas as its technology tour de force.

Photos and details of something called the BMW i3 Urban Suite were released today. There’s nothing revolutionary going on here, but BMW has transformed the i3’s interior to that of a “boutique hotel” for CES. We’re huge fans of the i3’s interior as it stands, but this car isn’t meant for the driver. Here’s how BMW describes its mission: “The aim was to create an inviting space with a high feel-good factor in which to spend time – the perfect place for relaxing, enjoying in-car entertainment or focusing on work in a laid-back setting.”

BMW made plenty of interior modifications to the i3 in pursuit of this goal. Only the driver’s seat and dashboard remain untouched. The front passenger seat was removed, and a footrest lies in its spot. Then, the rear bench was transformed into a single, comfortable armchair that appears to float over the floor. If you look closely, you can see that BMW managed to keep the seatbelt and buckle operating as normal even with the comfy chair. To the rear passenger’s left, there’s a classy side table with a futuristic looking lamp sitting upon it. Neat. We dig the blue upholstery and carpeting implemented for the single rider to enjoy, too. Other additions are a screen that flips down from the headliner and a “personal Sound Zone.” Hard to make a sound zone personal in a vehicle as small as the i3, but we’ll eventually be the judge of that in Vegas.

BMW says it’s going to bring a fleet of i3s decked out like this to Las Vegas for the show. They’ll be available to use as your personal chauffeur if you have a special app to summon one. Details on the app are still missing, but it sounds better than an Uber rideshare to us.

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