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See the wild censored license plates the California DMV rejected

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Freedom of speech has its limits, including what a person can put on a custom vanity plate. The Department of Motor Vehicles in each state reviews thousands of applications and can deny any combination of letters and numbers if they find it offensive.

Los Angeles Magazine

recently launched an entire article dedicated to the ridiculous license plates that didn’t make the cut. Some seem innocent while others are blatant in their messaging.

According to the report, the California


can see around 20,000 applications per month, and in 2018, there was a grand total of almost 250,000. Each application asks for the plate the person desires, as well as a brief explanation of what it means and why they want it. These forms then go to a panel of four “judges,” who decide yes or no, like an emperor deciding a gladiator’s fate.

Per policy, the DMV will not allow “any personalized license plate configuration that [carries] connotations offensive to good taste and decency.” Phrasing it this broadly allows it to catch a variety of offenses, including things that are sexist, racist, or otherwise derogatory.

The rejected plates aren’t always intentionally in poor taste. The DMV considers nicknames, slang, and other euphemisms that could potentially indicate something other than what was intended. A couple examples include BEMYBAE, ITSLIT, and FSHBALL. “Bae” means poop in Danish, “lit” can mean intoxicated, “slit” can be a used crudely, and anything with “fish” and “ball” could be misconstrued as sexual.

Check out the hilarious full list at

Los Angeles Magazine


Writer Note: The image shows a real Los Angeles license plate, not one that is banned.

from Autoblog

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