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One of the first videos we featured from JP&Co was their depreciation analysis of modern, normally aspirated 911s from 1999 to 2017. The charts, graphs and empirical data seemed to resonate with a number of you (closet number crunchers, maybe?). With that in mind, we were happy to see this most recent video that features similar depreciation analysis on the 911 Turbo market. And while most financial advisors will tell you that trying to time the market is generally a losing proposition when it comes to investing your money, that’s clearly not the case when it comes to buying a used 911 (Turbo or otherwise). In fact, due to depreciation, and how predictable it becomes once analyzed, you would be silly not to try and "time the market".

The dark green lines shows the Turbo S MSRP while the light green shows the corresponding depreciation. Similarly, the dark blue line shows MSRP for the base Turbo model and the light blue line shows the corresponding depreciation.

This analysis compares "bare bones" cars, no options are considered with regard to valuation. Incredibly, but not surprisingly, the 991 Turbos are dropping like rocks in terms of pricing. As much as 16% per year. The 997 on the other hand, being a generation older, and having already suffered its highest depreciation, are starting to level out.

Green = 996, Blue = 997 and Red = 991. Look how similar the depreciation rate is between the 997 and 996!

In fact, according to the data, the depreciation curves between the 996 and the 997 are nearly identical. As the 996 has increased in popularity over the past few years, their values have leveled off and good examples have started to appreciated. If the 997 continues to follow the same curve, they too should start to appreciate, assuming marketing conditions stay the same, in the very near future. Watch for yourself below.

The post RIDING THE DEPRECIATION CURVE: WHEN TO BUY A USED 911 TURBO appeared first on @FlatSixes – the blog about Porsche.



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