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Some will call it an abomination, others will want to kill it with fire, while still others will look at it longingly and wonder how they can get their hands on one.
Pictures of this particular Porsche "rat rod" started making the rounds on Facebook this weekend. It took us some time to track it down, but track it down we did. Currently on display at the Monaco International Auto Show, this Ford Big Block Powered rat rod is the creation of the French chop shop Danton Arts Kustoms.
A post shared by Alexandre Danton (@danton_arts_kustoms) on
Apparently it started its life as a 964 Targa and was chopped and stretched from there.
#hotrod #porsche #964 #dantonartskustoms #oldschool #carrera #v8power #
A post shared by Alexandre Danton (@danton_arts_kustoms) on
What’s unknown, and has some "purists" up in arms, is what was the condition of this Porsche before its transformation?
Was it a salvage title? Otherwise a wreck? Hard to tell from this photo.
I say who cares! The guys at Danton obviously don’t and their other works is incredible, if you’re into the whole rat rod thing that is.
Getting chopped.
It seems like the project has been in the works for a little less than a year, but there’s little official information, other than pictures, on the Danton web-site.
V8 Power getting dropped in!
Apparently, there’s another Porsche rat rod in the works. This time a Targa!
We plan on reaching out to the guys at Danton next week for some additional details. A lot of their creations appear to go up for sale so we’re curious if this Porsche will be available. We’ll let you know.
There’s all sorts of debate on different threads on Facebook. What say you? Do you like it? Is it an abomination? Indifferent? Weigh in with your thoughts and comments below.
The post Purple Porsche 964 Rat Rod Gets Chopped, Stretched and V8 Power appeared first on FlatSixes.