Doylestown Auto Repair

New Film “What a Ride” is a Poignant Reminder to Enjoy Life and our Porsches

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It’s a sunny Sunday in November and filmaker Daniel Soares is riding shotgun in an old Alfa roadster when he pulls into a service station with a pack of other vintage sports cars in tow. His phone vibrates. His driver’s phone vibrates. He looks up to see all the other drivers reading their phones, too. Jordan is dead!

Jordan was the man Daniel spent the better part of a day with, filming his 911 to learn about his life, his passion and rallying in general. Daniel didn’t start out to film a tribute, but fate had different plans when a tragic accident along the rally route took Jordan’s life way too early.

What a Ride is so much more than a tribute to Jordan. It documents a philosophy, a passion and a lifestyle that resonates with so many of us. As it was said in the film, "you can sit on your couch and be safe, or you can live". Choose to live. Rest in Peace, Jordan!

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