Doylestown Auto Repair

Lyft offers free bikeshare trips on Earth Day

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While you might still think of


primarily as a ridesharing company, it also has the largest bike-sharing network in the country — thanks to its

Motivate acquisition

last summer. To celebrate Earth Day and promote its carbon-free transport, the company is offering free bikeshare rides on Monday, April 22. You’ll be able to hop on a free bike in New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Minneapolis, Columbus, OH and Portland, OR. But each city will handle the promotion slightly differently, so

check in

with your local network before you plan to ride.


New York City

and Washington, DC, riders will get a day of unlimited 30-minute trips. In other cities, you’ll get either a single ride or an unrestricted day pass. Of course, if biking isn’t your thing, you can request a

shared Lyft ride

to cut down on emissions and save a little money.

Lyft Reporting by Christine Fisher for Engadget.

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