Doylestown Auto Repair

Lexus RC F takes star turn in ‘Men in Black: International’ blockbuster

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Here’s a little car candy for the holidays. There have been three :Men in Black” films, the last one in 2012 (even though it seems a lot longer ago, doesn’t it?). “Men in Black: International,” due for release on June 14, looks like it will showcase its vehicles in a way the previous movies didn’t, starting with getting the

Lexus RC F

ready for its close-up. This will be


‘ second blockbuster turn in two years, after putting an


in the line of fire

in this year’s “Black Panther

“. And if “MIB: International” gives off the whiff of petrol, that’s at last partly because F. Gary Gray directs, the man behind 2003’s “The Italian Job

and 2017’s “

The Fate of the Furious


This is the first “MIB” to give the agents a whiz-bang modern car. The most modern vehicle previously was a “new hotness” 2003

Mercedes-Benz E550

in the 2002 sequel, but that was primarily a joke referring to the 1986


LTD, referred to as a “


P.O.S.,” in the first movie. The third film, which took place in the sixties, used a 1964 Ford Galaxie.

“MIB: International” includes a few throwbacks to the movies and the television series. The


goes airborne with the help of a big red button, just like that ‘


LTD. A bigger and better hovercycle ties into the hovercycle from the TV show. The all-new move comes with a mid-seventies

Jaguar XJ

; whereas the first agents merely retrieved their weapons from the trunk, the


not only holds weapons, it disassembles into weapons systems.



noted, in many ways this movie “

looks just like ‘Thor: Ragnarok

‘ but set in a different universe.” Should go well enough with a bucket of popcorn and pail of Coca-Cola, though.

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