Doylestown Auto Repair

If You’re Going To Steal A Porsche, Don’t Post About It On Social Media!

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Remember the kid in Canada that "borrowed" his mom’s Porsche without permission? In that story, the unlicensed teen supposedly hit a parked car, then fled the scene and in a panic destroyed his mom’s Cayenne as he tried to park it back in its own garage. A neighbor, so astounded by the bad parking job, posted video of the teen’s driving to YouTube. Police eventually saw the video, connected the dots between the hit and run and his bad parking and caught up with him. As stupid as that sounds, at least the kid didn’t post the incriminating video himself. The exact opposite is true with this story.

According to the story we read from WSB-TV in Atlanta, a teen stole two Porsche SUVs (a Cayenne and a Macan) as they were being delivered to to PCNA’s headquarters on January 16th. Apparently, the kid waited until the delivery driver had the Porsche’s unloaded from the truck. Then, while the delivery driver’s attention was elsewhere, the teen simply climbed into the delivery truck’s cab and helped himself to the keys. He then took off with his accomplice in tow. Not satisfied with just the Cayenne, the kid apparently came back for a second helping. This time he took off with a Macan.

Where it gets really strange is that the kid then decided to boast about his exploits on Instagram. We haven’t been able to find that video, but police apparently used his own video to identify him and they’ve now issued issued arrest warrants.

I don’t know what’s worse, this kid being so stupid, or the local Atlanta reporters and police not being able to pronounce Porsche correctly.

The post If You’re Going To Steal A Porsche, Don’t Post About It On Social Media! appeared first on @FlatSixes – the blog about Porsche.



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