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Here are two chilling reminders that sidewalks are not for driving

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Terrifying footage of a suspected

drunk driver

barreling through a sidewalk was captured in Jersey City, New Jersey, earlier this month. Luckily, nobody was hit, but a witness got the shock of his life.

Obtained by


, the security footage seen above shows a speeding

Ford Taurus

losing control and driving straight onto a sidewalk. The car misses a stunned witness seated outside of a storefront, before crossing a different street, clipping a car, hitting a pole and crashing into several other things. The witness likened the aftermath to a “war zone.” The driver has reportedly been charged with several infractions.

Sadly, this wasn’t the only news of pedestrian lives in danger due to somebody driving on the sidewalk this week. In a separate incident (seen in the video below), a driver in Brooklyn passed a school bus on the sidewalk and nearly hit children entering a school.

The footage from the New York elementary shows the impatient motorist weaving through parked school buses before deciding he needed to hop the curb to get to where he was going. The car is crawling forward as small kids cross in front of him. One child who wasn’t looking was nearly struck.

According to

NBC News

and the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services, this type of behavior happens often, with drivers illegally passing school buses approximately 84,000 times per day. In a particularly tragic week back in November,

five children’s lives were lost near school buses

. The incidents that made the news this week are yet another reminder that the areas around school buses are sacred space.

from Autoblog

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