Doylestown Auto Repair

Choose Your Own Adventure: Porsche Style

Audi Repair Shop Doylestown
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I hope I’m not the only one who remembers the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. The plots were often clunky, and the variable endings provided more routes to failure than the Oregon Trail computer game. The books were fun, and encouraged the reader to think about their choices carefully to achieve the best outcome. Porsche has taken a similar route with its latest series of videos; though here failure is not an option.

Like the books, the videos are a little odd. Each video has the same theme-music which is all-pervasive. The 911 RSR speaks for itself with a slightly self-assured male voice. Still, the series takes the viewer through the 24 Hours of Daytona in an engaging way, allowing the perspective of the car, the team, and CJ Wilson.

Each video is unlisted, and can only be accessed on Youtube by watching the first video and clicking through the series using the pop-up windows at the end of each video.

The post Choose Your Own Adventure: Porsche Style appeared first on FlatSixes.



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