Doylestown Auto Repair

Bose QuietComfort noise canceling tunes out road noises

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If the sounds of the road are interrupting your road trip playlist, Bose might have the solution. The company announced its new QuietComfort Road Noise Control system designed to cancel all of the sounds that seep in from outside of your vehicle. The technology, branded with the same name as Bose’s noise-canceling headphones, is being made available to vehicle manufacturers around the world to provide a quieter cabin experience inside of cars, trucks and SUVs.

According to Bose, its new sound-canceling system uses a combination of accelerometers, proprietary signal-processing software, microphones and the vehicle’s audio system to electronically combat unwanted sounds. The accelerometers are mounted to the body of the vehicle and can measure vibrations that create noise. When they sense a potential disturbance, the system kicks into gear to create an acoustic cancellation signal that is delivered through the vehicle’s speakers. Meanwhile, the microphones located around the cabin of the car monitor any residual noise levels and help to adapt the signal over time. As your car ages, the system will get better at blocking out whatever new noises might be leaking through.

Bose says it will work with manufacturers throughout the development process to custom-fit cars with the QuietComfort system. The company best known for audio equipment has been dabbling more in cars lately, including building ride-smoothing technology for autonomous vehicles. It expects the noise-canceling technology will be available in production models by the end of 2021.


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