Doylestown Auto Repair

Have You Hit a Pothole?

Hitting a pothole can cause damage to your vehicle, especially to the tires, wheels, suspension, and alignment. After hitting a pothole, it’s a good idea to check for the following: If any of these issues arise, it’s best to have…

Driving on Black Ice

Driving on black ice can be extremely dangerous, as it creates a nearly invisible layer of ice on the road. Here are some tips for handling it safely: Staying alert and prepared is key to navigating these conditions safely. Contact Doylestown…

Removing Snow from Your Driveway

Removing snow from your driveway can be a straightforward task, but it does require some planning. Here are a few tips: 1. Shoveling: 2. Snow Blower: 3. Deicing: 4. Snow Removal Techniques: By using the right equipment and techniques, you can make snow removal…

Winter Driving Tips

Winter driving requires extra caution due to slippery roads, reduced visibility, and unpredictable conditions. Here are some essential tips to stay safe: With these tips in mind, you can help ensure that your winter driving is as safe as possible.…

Older Drivers

Older drivers can face a variety of challenges when it comes to driving safely, such as changes in vision, reaction time, and cognitive function. However, many older adults are still capable of driving safely with proper adjustments and awareness. Here…

Winter Emergency Car Kit

A winter emergency car kit is essential for staying safe during cold weather, especially if you get stranded or face unexpected situations. Here’s a comprehensive list of items you should include: Essential Items: Clothing & Warmth: Other Helpful Items: Be…

What To Do In An Emergency On The Road

In an emergency on the road, it’s important to stay calm and follow these steps: Always have an emergency kit in your vehicle with essentials like a first aid kit, flashlight, water, and basic tools. Contact Doylestown Auto Repair at 267-279-9477 or visit our…

Preparing Your Car for Snow

Preparing your car for snow is important to ensure safety and avoid unexpected breakdowns. Here’s a checklist to get your vehicle winter-ready: 1. Winter Tires 2. Check the Battery 3. Antifreeze Levels 4. Windshield Wipers & Fluid 5. Check the Oil 6. Brakes & Brake Fluid…

Doylestown Auto Repair