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Audi Repair Shop News Doylestown This is What an Updated Porsche 917 Could Look Like

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Most of you know that the Porsche 917 is the race car that afforded our favorite marque their first overall Le Mans victory in 1970 and their second in 1971. From there, the 917 when on to become one of the most iconic race cars the world over due in no small part to its power, speed and winning record. Today, the 917 is revered by fans and collectors the world over. Given its incredible popularity, could it ever make a comeback?

rendering of a Porsche 917X Hybrid by Cleber Santos

If designer Cleber Santos has his way, the answer is a definite yes. It used to be that Porsche didn’t repeat or reuse their type numbers. However, with the newly re-introduced 718 Boxster and Cayman lines, all bets are off. Santos vision of an updated 917 takes three (3) different versions, of which, the 917X Hybrid, pictured above and below, are the most developed.

Santos’ design is an obvious mash-up of Porsche’s current 919 Hybrid technology combined with an updated 917 look. Not content to stop there, Santos envisioned another version of an updated 917.

updated porsche 917 rendering

This time he stays much more true to the original but includes some current Porsche design DNA such as the updated headlights, windshield and air intakes.

Last, and perhaps least in this case, are his 917 proportion study.

Clearly not as developed as the first two, it still provides an interesting look into the possible future of a reimagined 917.

What do you think? Porsche brought back the 718 (at least in name). Should the 917 get a remake and be reintroduced to the racing world?

The post This is What an Updated Porsche 917 Could Look Like appeared first on @FlatSixes – the blog about Porsche.



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