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Audi Repair Shop News Doylestown Brandon Marshall Loses Bet, Keeps Porsche, Charity Big Winner!

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Racing for pinks is one thing, playing football for pinks is another thing entirely. In July Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown and New York Jets wide receiver Brandon Marshall began a friendly bet. Whomever ended the season with more receiving yards would get the other’s car. Antonio Brown put up his Rolls Royce, while Marshall put up a Jets-Themed 991 GT3.

Brandon Marshall's 991

Back in July we noted that Marshall’s 991 looked a lot like the one used to announce Porsche as the official sports car of the New York Jets. We still don’t know if this was a marketing ploy by the Jets, but it almost doesn’t matter. Marshall lagged behind Brown this season, and finished the year with 788 receiving yards to 1,284 for Brown.

Antonio Brown's Rolls Royce

Antonio Brown’s Rolls-Royce, from the Bleacher Report Twitter account.

Upon losing the bet Marshall announced that he’d be donating the value of the Porsche(~$100k) to Project375; a charity "dedicated to eradicating the stigma surrounding mental health by raising awareness and improving care for those in need." Ultimately this turned into a win-win. Marshall gets to keep his Porsche, Brown keeps his very distinctive Rolls Royce, and the proceeds all go to a good cause.

The post Brandon Marshall Loses Bet, Keeps Porsche, Charity Big Winner! appeared first on @FlatSixes – the blog about Porsche.



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