Doylestown Auto Repair

Audi A4 Timing Chain and Tensioner Failure 2.0T Engines

I just posted a good article on our Audi Site  that contain some good information on the Audi 2.0 Timing chain failure problem.

Call 267 279 9477 to schedule an appointmentaudi_2.0_timing_chain

Doylestown Auto Repair
241 Harvey Ave
Doylestown Pa 18901

The 2.0T Audi A4 and A3 has a timing chain  engine.  Which means it does not have a timing belt.

The Audi A4 timing chain engines have a problem with the timing chain tensioner failing.  The engine will start to  become noisy and have a grinding or rattling sound.

If you choose to ignore this problem the timing chain will start to rub through the timing cover causing more damage.

If the tensioner fails and the chain jumps time the cylinder head will need to be removed and the valves will need to be replaced.

The dealer gets around $3800 to $4500 to replace the timing chains and tensioners.  We can usually save you $1000 or more on any dealer quote.

The repair requires the front bumper and lock carrier to be removed.  The valve cover, timing cover and balancer need to be removed to access the timing chains and tensioner.


Call 267 279 9477 to schedule an appointment

Doylestown Auto Repair
241 Harvey Ave
Doylestown Pa 18901


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