Doylestown Auto Repair

A Range Rover and a Jaguar turned into instant convertibles by bridge

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Having a bad day? Well, at least you can take solace knowing that in all likelihood, it’s not as bad as this transporter driver’s day. A Scania truck carrying a load of luxury SUVs hit a railway bridge while transporting the vehicles in Perth, Scotland. The roofs of at least two vehicles,


Rover Sport and a


F-Pace, best we can tell, appear to have been completely shorn off, and other vehicles appear to have less serious though still significant damage.

The bridge in question has a clearance of 13 feet, 3 inches, and there are several warning signs ahead of the low-hanging passage. Clearly, the driver missed the message. According to

NetworkRail Scotland’s Twitter page

, the bridge was inspected by engineers for damage and deemed safe for railway traffic. The cars, well … not so much.

The incident took place Wednesday morning at around 8:00am. It only took the local police about an hour to clean up the debris and get the road opened back up for regular use. Fortunately, nobody was hurt in the incident, save for at least one massively bruised sense of pride, we’d guess.

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