Doylestown Auto Repair

A Quick Glimpse at 5 of Porsche’s Rarest Factory Models

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When Porsche introduced their new "Top 5 Series" on YouTube, I was cautiously optimistic. In their trailer, they promised to provide us with a "whole new level of sports car history". That sounded great to me. Watch the first episode below, it features a 964 Turbo S, a 924 Carrera GTS, a 911 GT1, a 911 SC/RS and a 356 American Roadster. Once you’ve watched, read on.

Missed Opportunity?

You tell me, was that a "whole new level of sports car history"? It sure didn’t seem that way! Sure, maybe those of us on this site are so intimately familiar with the brand that it takes more to excite us, but the whole video just seemed like a missed opportunity. What about that narration? It sounded like a bad reality/game show.

Hopefully, as we go forward, Porsche will dive deeper into more detail and history of each car vs. the high level brush strokes we got in this episode. Next week’s episode promises to explore "The 5 Best Porsche Sounds". I wonder if it will focus only on exhausts or if they’ll explore that unique sound made when closing the door of a long-hood Porsche?

What do you think? Am I being to harsh? Maybe my expectations were to high. What were your expectations or what do you hope to see from the remaining episodes?

The post A Quick Glimpse at 5 of Porsche’s Rarest Factory Models appeared first on @FlatSixes – the blog about Porsche.



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