Doylestown Auto Repair

School Bus Safety

School bus safety is crucial for protecting children while traveling to and from school. Here are key safety guidelines for both students and drivers:

For Students:

  1. Wait at the Bus Stop: Stand at least six feet away from the curb and wait for the bus to arrive. Stay back until the bus stops and the doors open.
  2. Boarding the Bus: Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching. Avoid pushing or shoving when getting on.
  3. Stay Seated: Always stay in your seat while the bus is moving and keep your head, arms, and belongings inside the bus.
  4. Stay Alert: Pay attention to the driver and follow their instructions at all times. Avoid distracting behavior that could take attention away from safety.
  5. Crossing the Street: When crossing in front of the bus, always look for the driver’s signal. Make eye contact with the driver, and wait for them to indicate it’s safe to cross.
  6. Never Walk Behind the Bus: Always walk in front of the bus where the driver can see you.
  7. Backpack Safety: Make sure backpacks and other items don’t block the aisle or emergency exits.

For Drivers:

  1. Stop for School Buses: Always stop when a school bus has its red lights flashing, whether you’re behind or approaching the bus. The law requires stopping at least 20 feet away from the bus.
  2. Obey Speed Limits: Reduce speed in school zones and be extra cautious around buses.
  3. Watch for Children: Slow down and be alert, especially in areas where children might be walking, biking, or waiting for the bus.
  4. Stay Focused: Avoid distractions like using a phone while driving near school buses.

School bus safety is a shared responsibility, and following these rules helps ensure that children stay safe during their daily commute.

Contact Doylestown Auto Repair at 267-279-9477 or visit our website at to schedule an appointment to have your car serviced.

Doylestown Auto Repair