Doylestown Auto Repair

Watch what happens when RVs get crash-tested — it ain’t pretty

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In Sweden, the amount of newly registered motorhomes has increased by 50 percent since 2014, according to the Swedish Transport Administration, or Trafikverket. With the surge of new wheels on the road have come more injuries and deaths. This prompted Trafikverket to put a magnifying glass to the safety standards of motorhomes and execute its own

crash tests

with two different European-market RVs.

According to a

Trafikverket report

, at least six people in Sweden have died in campers since 2014, and more than 100 have been injured in motorhome-related

traffic accidents

. The most common type of crash was a front-end collision, which is the main focus of these crash tests. The results and the accompanying videos are pretty terrifying.

For the tests, Trafikverket used the same methods the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) uses. The test had the motorhome drive into a similarly weighted barrier at 64 km/h, or about 40 mph. Although the test did not list exactly which models were used, one had a semi-integrated cabin while the other had a fully integrated cabin. Both are built on a platform that Trafikverket says underpins 84 percent of that market’s motorhomes. Thus, the tests are largely representative of most motorhomes on the road.

The first crash is done at about 2:15, and the nose of the semi-integrated motorhome is demolished. The second crash happens at about 3:15, and it’s even worse. Nearly the entire body of the RV separates from the platform, revealing lots of wood construction and virtually no energy-absorbing structures.

Check out the gnarly footage above and read the full report on



from Autoblog